Software Installation

Install dependencies

Package Management systems

To install the software dependencies required for mdid3 to run, use the system-specific methods listed below. Feedback and alternative procedures are welcome, please feel free to submit them.

Package Management System/Command

Ubuntu Red Hat Mac OS X Windows 2008 or other
apt-get Redhat - yum rhel 5 | rhel 6 homebrew, .pkg installers, source None (true? any dissent?).
Download installers or executables.
  Ubuntu Red Hat Mac OS X Windows 2008 or other
python installed
installed Python 2.7.3
(32-bit) | (64-bit)
Github for Mac Github for Windows

Below is a matrix of the software dependencies required for mdid3 to run correctly. In general, software installed via a package manager like apt or yum will be displayed as package-name whereas a downloadable installer, binary or downloadable source will be a text link

Apt and Yum generally need to be run via sudo, but the Mac OS X package manager homebrew is designed specifically to not use sudo (assumedly because the normative mac user account has installation privileges). So to install the software package packageX, use the commands:

apt-get (Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install packageX
yum (Red Hat)
sudo yum install packageX
homebrew (Mac OS X)
brew install packageX

Optionally, package managers can be given a list of packages, and be told to say “yes” to every question, and the human being installing the software can do something important, like drink coffee. A copy/paste-able single command will be presented at the bottom of the matrix.


sudo apt-get -y upgrade && install
sudo apt-get  -y install openjdk-6-jre-headless python-setuptools libjpeg62-dev unixodbc unixodbc-dev freetds-dev tdsodbc python-dev libmysqlclient16-dev  python-ldap python-memcache memcached libapache2-mod-wsgi g++ mysql-server

Redhat Packages


Mac OS X homebrews


Windows Installers