Download and Install ==================== Create the directory where MDID3 will be installed as root, and then chown it to the account that will run the web app processes :: cd /var/local sudo mkdir /var/local/mdid sudo chown mdid:mdid /var/local/mdid sudo chmod 775 /var/local/mdid sudo su mdid Git MDID3! ~~~~~~~~~~ The next command clones the mdid repo into the mdid directory you just made :: git clone git:// /var/local/mdid And if you are going to make any changes, do yourself a favor and make your own branch right away (this will save you hassle when updating in the future). :: git checkout -b localSite upstream/master Just in case ^^^^^^^^^^^^ This step may be necessary if you execute git via root in your mdid3 directories, or if for any other reason the mdid user isn't the owner of var/local/mdid :: sudo chown -R mdid:staff /var/local/mdid/*